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Music Videos

Mango: A Musical Tribute to the class of '21

Mango: A Musical Tribute to the class of '21

In the realm of time, as the sun sets on this chapter of your lives, we gather to honour this year's graduating class of African Leadership Academy. Today, we present a resounding musical tribute, a heartfelt symphony crafted by the talented souls of our very own ‘Mango’. Let the harmonies weave through the fibres of your beings. Dear graduates, as you stand at the precipice of tomorrow, take a moment to reflect upon the extraordinary journey that led you here. From the very first day you stepped foot onto this hallowed ground, you carried within you the seeds of greatness, waiting to be nurtured. With each passing day, you embraced the challenges, forged unbreakable bonds, and carved your unique paths towards a brighter future. The stage was set, and you took your rightful place, donning the robes of leadership and resilience. With every note you played, with every word you sang, you left an indelible mark upon the tapestry of our legacy. You embodied the ALA spirit, embracing diversity and unity, recognizing that your collective voices hold the power to shape nations and redefine the world. And so, dear graduates, as you step forth from this cherished sanctuary, remember that you carry within you the torch of ALA's spirit. Embrace the world with open arms, knowing that you have the power to shape the destiny of the African continent. Congratulations, Class of 2021! Your journey has just begun, and the world awaits your brilliance. May your path be adorned with countless blessings and may the symphony of your lives continue to inspire generations yet to come.
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